Member since 26-Mar-10
Visitors 126
23 photos, 1 videos

Hello and Welcome. Please sign my guest book and let me know your thoughts. Thanks, Joey

About the photographer:

Joseph A. Betzler has been a photographer since 1972. He grew up in Southern California and has always been interested in nature photography. When still a child, his grandmother moved to the Mojave desert city of Las Vegas, Nevada. He began a lifetime interest in deserts and succulent plants; summers at ‘grandmas’ was popular with him and his parents!

His early photographs were of orchids and other succulent plants. His first photos were with medium format cameras (2¼ inch). He eventually made his way to 35mm, with a late migration to digital.

Most of his subjects have a natural history theme, plants, landscapes, textures, and macro photography. Occasionally he expands his repertoire with architectural subjects, people, and events.

Mr. Betzler is knowledgeable in the plant communities of the California, Nevada and the southwest regions of the US, especially the desert areas. He has experience conducting field work in remote locations of: Nevada, California, Baja California, Mexico, and South Africa.

In the photo here he is in Baja California, Mexico, making observations of Lindsay's Hedgehog Cactus. Although he may not look like it; he is happy to be away form his desk, reports, and electricity.

Contact him at JAB(.at.)PictoGraphica(.dot.)com or sign in and let him know your thoughts.

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